Good Mooooooooorning Friends!!!
Another Day! We Made It!
How was your day yesterday? Time to check in.
Mine – well, it was a day. Remember how I told you about busy at work? Well, it happened yesterday. How dare paying clients get in the way of my fun time blogging with you?! Lol.
I found the food quite delish yesterday, and today is going to be even better! I’m excited for these ones!
But first, how is my morning? Why, thanks for asking! Great actually. I was up a little earlier than usual but thanks to timing my waters better yesterday, I wasn’t panicking to potty ;o) PLUS, since I have a day where my presence is required outside of the house on a couple of occasions, not only did I get up and get dressed, I actually did my hair and makeup too!! Imagine that! I have photographic evidence, in case you’re wondering.
Downstairs, had my first glass of water and then out for a walk.
We took a little different route again. Back to the main pond in our neighbourhood, but from a different angle. So peaceful… Until Miss Barksalot meets up with a couple of other #tinypooches. Well… (My stress level rises just thinking of it. Gawd, I need to get her trained… Lol). (They do slow down after puppyhood, right? Please tell me that’s right?!)
But now, I sit with breakfast (OMG so good!), my tea and my friends (that’s you), and it’s a perfect start to the day.
Doing The 21 Day Fix
And Feeding Your Family
Last night, after a busy and full day, hubby and I were sitting and reflecting on some of these changes in our lives this week. He has been really good for the most part on this change, as he really wants to live a cleaner, healthier life as well, so that helps. But he was not very impressed with our cottage cheese / fruit / seed medley yesterday. (In fact, watching him from across the table reminded me of watching a 5 year old gag and choke on veggies because they are sure to be the death of them.)
So I told him… Go online… Look for 21 day fix snacks that you might enjoy and I can try them for you. Because between work, the dog training, meal planning and a blog, there’s not a lot of extra time for me these days to be hunting very specific snacks that he might enjoy (try finding snacks without oats! I swear, every second recipe has oats in it!… And the other half have cottage cheese… Lol).
And It Brought Us Into A Very Important Question: How Do People Who Want To Eat Better Handle Feeding A Family Of Picky Eaters At The Same Time.
I mean, I couldn’t imaging trying to feed kids open faced sandwiches and 6 containers of veggies every day. Crazy.
Over the years, I have tried countless eating plans. And while most all of them will give you a list of approved foods, and still more will provide you with a handful of recipes, no one (that I have found) provides you with a complete daily meal plan that runs the duration of the program. It is often left up to you to figure your meals each day and how they fit together. I can’t tell you how many times I have worked on a spreadsheet calculating calories, carbs, fats and protein for everything going into our bodies, cause we were left on our own with it.
And the meal recipes you find are often lack-luster in that you are using ingredients you are unfamiliar with, or that are so specific that you have trouble finding them. And when you do find them, they’re not to your liking, but EVERY recipes sampled includes this one ingredients. It’s a war out there people!!
(Seriously, I have done courses, seen a dietitian and hired a nutritionist at various times over the years – none of which could give me more than a list of approved ingredients and the random recipe with ingredients I had to look up online before buying so that I would recognize what veggie to look for at the supermarket!!)
The nice thing about Pinterest is that there’s a board for everything. And there are hundreds and hundreds of recipes out there that label themselves as 21 Day Fix Approved. But wait! Before you go jumping all over that, I realized last night while investigating, that these so-called container counts are often way under-calculated. Here’s an example:
A slow cooker of stew: serves 6, and has 1.5lbs of stewing beef, a ton of veggies and a 1/4 cup of flour (plus a variety of misc spices and flavourings. Sounds like the perfect family-friendly meal! Except, the author posts “21 DAY FIX APPROVED!!!!”, listing the container count as 2 green per serving. Now, wait… What about the meat? Or flour? Stock? The actual count is 1/2 red, 1 green, 1 yellow per serving. However, if you follow just the count without digging deeper, you are going to not get enough veggies in your day, end up with too many carbs and protein. So… What’s the point then? May as well eat cake, in my opinion!!!
Well, guess no more!
My goal is to try to take some of the hard work out of it for you. Not only will I share my daily plans (so that everything is balanced) but I want to make healthy dishes that are DELICIOUS, using ingredients you probably have (or can easy get) on hand. Dishes that you can easily modify for the fam…
‘Cause let’s face it… If it’s yummy, easy to make, and you’re not having to prepare two types of food, or even feeling like you are missing out while watching the fam eat burgers while you’re having rice cakes, well, damn it, you’re more likely to make this a lifestyle change, which should be the primary goal.
Refer to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan for a complete outline of today’s food!
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