Breathe! Breathe! This Is It!
We’re, Like, Only One Sleep Away!!!!
I sit here this morning, munching away on my breakfast, and wondering to myself what wonderful inspirational thing I could share with you on this fine, day-before-the-finale post….
And I’m stuck… I mean, all I wanna do is CELEBRATE!!!! Not because it’s almost over, but because we will have made it!!!!! OMG….Chill, Jenni, chill…. We’ve still got a few hours left, and as much as it might seem like the Olympics over here to me, other people are much more cool and collected in their accomplishments lol. Just breathe…. ;o)
Eating Out
What I will do is touch on something that is often a big thing for a lot of people. I know these past couple of weeks we’ve seen a lot of it. Weddings, family lunches, dinners, cheesecake… (oh, sweet glorious cheesecake…).
But today, this is on my mind especially because I think it’s great to chat about these things so that we have a mindset… an intention, if you will…
Last night, we finally had our ‘get to know the neighbours’ fire out side. It was fantastic! There were 20 of us throughout the evening and it was just amazing. We are so blessed to have moved into such a wonderful neighbourhood!
And, of course, as with most get togethers, food was a great part of it. Food, after all, is the best form of entertainment. Conversation pieces, comfort treats, etc. There’s a reason why most house parties find people standing around the kitchen island (well, food, and the close proximity to the booze lol).
And since you cannot affect what others bring, it’s really important to put care and attention into what you’re contributing. Because, even on treat days, you want to practice some sort of moderation (I picture the rolly polly version of the fat kid inside me sitting the middle of the cul de sac stuffing my face with copious amounts of chocolate and marshmallows haha!).
Think ahead… Will you be snacking in the evening? Then perhaps reduce the yellow containers you have throughout the day to compensate and help to offset. Bring a great veggie-packed salsa or kabobs along that you can munch on in addition to the yummy treats that are there.
Last night, I made my southwestern eggs rolls with ancient grain wraps. Super yummy, packed with veggies, and I know that two pieces is 1 yellow + 1 green + 0.25 red + 0.5 blue.
Then in addition to that, I made a big batch of baked wings. I bake them with sea salt, cracked black pepper and evoo (see how I’m controlling exactly the quality of ingredients put into the food?). Everyone loves wings, and they give you some protein and another yellow, so keep an eye on that when planning your meals earlier in the day.
By contributing well thought out foods, you give yourself some healthy options in addition to the chips, popcorn, cookies and cakes that also often arrive at the same party. Keep an eye on dips and stuff, ’cause those can surprisingly add up really quick! I made a version of my avocado ranch dip (included in the Plan) to go with the wings. It’s got a little mayo in every bite, but also Greek yoghurt and avocado… So yummmm.
Give Yourself A Break
Always remember that there are going to be those times where you will indulge a little more than you normally would (e.g. the case of the extra missing Nanaimo bar last weekend at my girlfriend’s wedding!).
But just chill about it. You are not just living one meal at a time, one bite at a time… You are working on a whole-body, better life experience. And one extra Nanaimo bar once or twice a year is not going to kill anyone.
Life is full of choices and compromises. You can choose to skip toast in the morning, so that you can have that small piece of garlic bread with pasta at Family Pasta Night. Then, make a good choice and select a seed bread with whole grains for the garlic toast. You can feel even better about it!
Don’t Cheat Yourself
The only person that loses when you cheat yourself out of a good, balanced day, is you. I know, it might sound a little cliche, but it’s true.
When you eat well, your body functions better. That, in turn, will help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin, which will make you a happier, more social person.
When you exercise, your body releases a chemical reaction that actually lifts your mood and helps to focus you. Having a bad day? The last thing you might wanna do – but possibly the BEST thing you could do – would be to grab the dog and go for a walk. Or head off to a yoga class. Or shut yourself in your bedroom with a YouTube yoga video and work that s*!t out!
There’s a reason we feel better after workouts or physical activity… It’s science, people! Just go with it! Lol
Remember To Hydrate
Yeah, it’s true… We pee more these days than we used to. But we also feel better, and knowing that for every big gulp or little sip that you take throughout the day, you body will thank you with better function, less stiffness, better skin, reduced toxins, increased ability for weight loss…. That’s a lotta good from just remembering to drink your water every day! It’s only water! Geez, it’s not like they’re asking us to drink greens all day long! Ha!
You can also mix it up – a jug of water in the fridge with cucumbers, or fruit, or mint… The 21 Day Fix guide book that comes with your kit gives you a variety of water ‘recipes’ to help flavour up everybody’s favourite fluid!
Never Forget Your Intention
Remember how we started this off so very long ago with our intention…? Well, keep that up. Every time you start a new set of 21, check in with yourself on what you want your intentions to be for the next 21 days.
May they be realistic, but challenging, and may you never forget to include a little self love in there. You’ve earned it. Hey, you’ve put up with my rants for 3 weeks, and that deserves quite a few pats on the back right there!
And if you ever feel like you just wanna connect with a real person out there, or run ideas by, or share gains and losses, feel free to contact me. I’m always here… In some form… Intravenously connected to my computer/phone/tablet/phone/phone/phone (did I say phone yet?).
You can email, or connect on any of my social media pages… Send me a message. Share your meal photos. Let me know what’s worked for you (so I can borrow your ideas on the days when I’m struggling haha!).
Having a crappy day at work? The kids driving you nuts? The dog won’t stop barking (God help us…)? Just remember, you’re not the only one. Chances are, there’s someone having the exact same day as you (although that’s often hard to believe since we like to think that we suffer more than anyone we know sometimes ;o) …
And when you feel like you can’t affect anything else in the world around you, know that you are the boss of YOU… You control what goes in, and the energy that comes out. Find your zen, you’re happy place. Look at how far you’ve come already! That kicks @$$ and you’re a rock star for it!
Refer to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan for a complete outline of today’s food!
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